There are a number of reasons for lack of fetal movement, but the bottom line is that it could lead to akinesia or inability to initiate body movement.Lack of fetal movement could possibly be due to rocker-bottom feet, pulmonary hypoplasia, facial anomalies, and ulnar deviation of the hands. If a particular case of FADS is known to be due to a specific genetic abnormality (FADS may be associated with a variety of conditions) and the above conditions are met, preimplantation genetic diagnosis for the condition associated with FADS may be possible. We investigated the origins and changes in meaning of these terms over time, particularly in re … Sometimes the cause is unknown, sometimes the cause is known and is not genetic, and other times although a genetic cause may be suspected, genetic testing may not be available. The individual's movements become increasingly slow and over time muscles may randomly "freeze". Deep brain stimulation uses a device called a neurostimulator to deliver electrical signals to the areas of the brain that control movement.New medications have been developed for tardive dyskinesia, but may be too expensive for many patients. The doctor may choose to switch the patient to a different antipsychotic that may lessen tardive dyskinesia. Symptoms of tardive dyskinesia include uncontrollable movements of the face and body such as:Tardive dyskinesia may appear as repetitive, jerking movements that occur in the face, neck, and tongue. Strictly speaking, bradykinesia describes the slowness of a performed movement, whereas akinesia refers to a poverty of spontaneous movement (e.g. Bradykinesia is a medical term for slowness of movement, which is one of the common symptoms along with muscle rigidity, tremor and changes in balance (postural Instability) in Parkinson’s disease. Some medications used for nausea can also cause tardive dyskinesia. tardive dyskinesia is unlikely to occur if an antipsychotic is only taken for a few weeks.Once tardive dyskinesia develops, some effects may be permanent or take a long time to go away. According to current literature, the recurrence risk is estimated to be 10–25% In most cases, prenatal diagnosis for FADS relies on ultrasound during the pregnancy, which may reveal some of the characteristic features of the condition Because the underlying cause of FADS in many cases is unknown, and/or genetic testing is not always available or informative, ensuring an unaffected pregnancy is often not possible. If tardive dyskinesia develops, the first step is to notify your doctor so the medication can be safely adjusted, stopped or switched. Your doctor can tell you more about these.If tardive dyskinesia is very severe, a procedure called deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be tried. FADS may be caused by heterogenous defects at any point along the motor system pathway and genes encoding components critical to the neuromuscular junction and acetylcholine receptor clustering represent a major class of FADS disease genes.Many cases of fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) result from impairment along the neuromuscular axis and from mutations in genes encoding components of the motor neurons, peripheral nervous system, neuromuscular junction and the skeletal muscle.

Akinesia can affect a particular part of the body or all parts of the body. Antipsychotics like Haldol blocks dopamine, which leads to a reduction in dopamine level, which helps in the treatment of schizophrenia.It is characterized by lack of fetal movement. It comes from the Greek word “kinesis” which means body movement and the prefix “a”, which means absence. Akinesia and bradykinesia. Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) may be inherited in an autosomal recessive manner in some cases 80%-99% of fetal akinesia deformation sequence individuals have these symptoms:Many underlying causes of fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) have been recognized including genetic, environmental and maternal factors Autosomal recessive inheritance of FADS has been implied in several published cases Prenatal diagnosis after the birth of an index case relies on ultrasound, which may reveal polyhydramnios, ankyloses, scalp oedema, and decreased chest movements in a fetus with pulmonary hypoplasia.There are quite a few potential underlying causes of fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS).