He seems to be notorious for wavering and fence riding. The Spirit, the blood and grace are essential to their restoration and the fulfillment of their national calling because they cannot obey the Lord except He make them spiritually alive by His Spirit and circumcise their hearts. Jacob seems to through any and all to the curb who doesn’t coo at his every word, who raises any questions or concerns. Jacob has gone on a bloody rampage so I have no question left in my mind who needs reprimanding from the Lord. ”In answer to that question I have gone to him several times through email and tried to reason with him. David was his usual charming self and messaged Nathan on September 5, 2017 (Nathan's birthday), complimenting him on the most important feature in a person: looks. The Father ordained creation. Jacob’s behavior and many of his own teachings “in my opinion” classify him as a heretic yet everyone turns a blind eye!I was there and Bill Randles did take issue with David Nathan saying that it is impossible that anyone could be saved except by the Blood of Jesus. People I know in Bread of life were led to believe this by sitting under David Nathan’s teaching on this. It is not as if I am on “Jacob’s side”.

I also reminded him of this event and my attempt to explain how there is no contradiction is believing that there are sin offerings in the millennium while positing that the milllennial mortals are saved by Jesus’ blood. My question is, show me anywhere in Scripture where there is a need for salvation during the Millennium? Again, I was in the 2015 meeting with Bill and David Nathan. Some of the president’s supporters have taken to comparing him to the biblical monarch.Some avowedly pious men and women have, of late, explained their support of President Donald Trump by citing the example of King David, a sinner whom the Lord used for his purposes, and whose faults—crimes, even—were redeemed by the good he did. Before the whole thing blew up with Jacob I know that people had approached David Nathan about the word of faith aspects of his teaching. The worship of power or of wealth is an affront, in the eyes of the Bible, to the Master of the Universe. He has no concept of how unstable he looks when he puts articles/videos or comments up then takes them down. He has no concept of how unstable he looks when he puts articles/videos or comments up then takes them down.

I went up to David Nathan after to explain another reason why there would be sin offerings while people would be saved by Jesus’ blood alone and by grace. I will support and accept his recanting, apology and repentance to the body of Christ. They speak of the very error they refuse to admit, address or correct within their own rank. 24/02/19 “DAVID & NATHAN” (SOKOUN CHANPREDA) bangkokchurchadmin. But everything went public and I therefore had to resort to email as his New Zealand trip was cancelled. View photos, directions, registry details and more at The Knot. He made a strong point about it and David Nathan stepped away from the stage afterwards looking perplexed. This is not for salvation.
And they were as dogmatic about it (at the time) as David Nathan was in the way he presented it. I normally do not watch them, the news presented has been posted by top sites weeks/ months before. I realize that David Nathan does clarify this in the video in 2015 concerning the blood sacrifices. The only thing he retracted is for teaching about that you can pray the anointing into cloth and apologized for appearing dogmatic.

Yet in the Millennium we are told the jews will use sacrifices to cover their sin. He denounced the healing jacket as part of his ongoing teaching, he apologized for his controversial statements on the millennium but he stated from his studying of scripture it was what he had found. Is it because he was freshly lynched in a public hanging himself, so he felt the need to drag “the heretic” down with him? And they were as dogmatic about it (at the time) as David Nathan was in the way he presented it. Mr. Tart was born March 31, 1943 in Harnett County son of the late Malcolm and Ethel Clifton Tart. If you know that David was saved by seeing his friends mom healed at a word of faith healing meeting, and witnessed that she never went back to drinking again. This is not a mere difference of interpretation of the millennium but the whole nature of how one is made righteous and able to enter the New Jerusalem (I.e.
When David expressed indignation at the villain of the tale, Nathan thundered at him, “You are the man!” And then followed David’s doom, intoned in the name of the God of Israel:“And so now, the sword shall not swerve from your house evermore, seeing as you have despised Me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.” Thus says the Lord, “I am about to raise up evil against you from your own house, and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your fellow man, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun. David Nathan then never repented of this teaching and kept promoting it publicly. But at the end of the day David Nathan did not present it as opinion he both taught it dogmatically and led people to believe this. I believe that we must stand on the word when it comes to issues of this nature.