He can be treacherous and survives mostly by using wit and negotiation rather than by force, opting to flee most dangerous situations and to fight only when necessary. Sparrow is introduced seeking to regain his ship, the Depp's performance won acclaim from film critics. Jack had anticipated Barbossa's treachery, and had cut out the middle part of At some point in time, Jack Sparrow would have swallowed one of his teeth, which ended up being a part of After the trial, Jack took off the Judge disguise as he made his way to signal the prison carriage driver, shortly before joining Gibbs in the prison carriage. They lean in to kiss each other, but not before Jack ran for his dinghy.

One of his favorite writers was One of the well-known things about Captain Jack Sparrow was his Sparrow considered himself sensitive to the opposite sex, explaining that he had a "tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature."

However, Jack was able to trade Armed with this knowledge, the crew set out to find Jones' ship, the After arriving to Tortuga, Jack and Gibbs began recruiting crewmen for service on the Later on during the journey, Jack once more approached Elizabeth, while being depressed about not being married already. As Bootstrap Bill Turner snapped out of his delirium and engaged Jones, Jack fought with himself, struggling between his own dream of immortality and his one chance to save Will.In the end, Jack's altruistic nature won over, as Jack forfeited his immortality.

As the With the battle won, Jack bade farewell to Elizabeth, who had to be with Will before he leaves to do his duty to ferry souls.

Imgur. Blackbeard then tried to attack Sparrow, but staggered, being stuck standing in the same spot. During his incapacitation, Jack overheard a conversation between Barbossa and Carina in which he recognized Carina's last name Smyth. As Jack Sparrow waltzed into the battle, he was confronted by After Blackbeard had Jack cut down, he attempted to shoot Jack, but Angelica stopped him stating that they need him to find the Fountain. Seine Kleidung verändert sich im Lauf der Serie so gut wie gar nicht: weißes, langärmliges Hemd, eine dunkle Weste darüber, zu der eine weiß und rot gestreifte Schärpe um die Hüften gehört. He then witnessed Barbossa piercing Salazar through the back with the blade, causing him to let go of the anchor and knock off both of his crew members who held onto the anchor. Elizabeth and her fiancé Will Turner were arrested for...A fun image sharing community.

Jack was able to reached the top, untie himself, and then catapults into another tree, which Barbossa's men took as the signal. Er verziert sie mit Holzperlen und sonstigen Anhängern. Jack watched as the Fountain's waters completely surrounded Blackbeard, rotting his flesh away. Realizing Sparrow is the target, Elizabeth traps him aboard the Two months following the events of the second film, with Davy Jones's heart in his possession and the At the Brethren Court, Elizabeth has succeeded Captain Sao Feng as a Pirate Lord and is elected "Pirate King" after Sparrow breaks a stalemate vote. Der Piratenkapitän hat die seltsame Angewohnheit, in den unmöglichsten Situationen Witze zu machen (die man nicht immer versteht), seine Gedankengänge sind völlig verdreht, ebenso wie seine Art zu reden, die einem manchmal den Kopf rauchen lässt. 30.04.2018 - Erkunde Katja Eichhorns Pinnwand „pirates of the caribbean“ auf Pinterest. But in his greed, Blackbeard quickly drank out of the cup with the tear and told Angelica to save him. Jack's teeth were turned into gold when the Sun-and-stars amulet was destroyed.

While searching for the imposter, he saves Gibbs from being hanged but is captured by the Royal Guards. Jack managed to dodge a strike from Salazar before taking control of the sharks and narrowly save a helpless Henry from being eaten as they crashed on a nearby island where Jack was confronted by the undead specter of his nemesis Salazar but he is relieved that he or his men can't step foot on land without being destroyed. "Depp collaborated with costume designer Penny Rose on his character's appearance, handpicking a Sparrow's weapons are genuine 18th-century pieces: his sword dates to the 1740s and his pistol is from the 1760s. She had realized the Kraken was after Jack alone, not the rest of the crew, and this sacrifice would be the only way to ensure their survival. Die East India Trading Company war nicht sehr erfreut; er wurde als Pirat gebrandmarkt und die 13 Jahre vor der Handlung des ersten Films war Jack mit seinem Schiff, der Nach der Meuterei setzte die Mannschaft Jack auf einer Aber Jack gelang die Flucht von der Insel, indem er, wie er allen erzählt, zwei Schildkröten zusammenband und auf ihrem Rücken floh. Jack then gave his greeting to his former lover Jack and Angelica had a brief reunion, conversing on Angelica's actions of impersonating Jack, with Jack disapproving that he wasn't being impersonated as captain. Then he drew With that, the captain went down with his ship, and Davy Jones considered his debt settled. Er ist sehr eigenartig, bewahrt aber immer einen klugen und kühlen Kopf. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Als beide an eine Palme gefesselt allein sind, erfährt Jack, auf welche Weise Barbossa die Ein entgegen der Schwerkraft aufsteigender Wassertropfen weist Sparrow den Weg in die Höhle, in der sich die Als Angelica und Blackbeard im Kampf zwischen Piraten, englischen Freibeutern und Spaniern um die Quelle von Barbossas vergifteter Klinge verwundet werden, kann Jack Angelica mithilfe der Quelle retten, indem er Vater und Tochter überlistet und Angelica den Kelch mit der Träne gibt. Jack, in realizing how far apart Will and Elizabeth were growing, conceived an elaborate plan where both he and Will could get what they both want.