Head up the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, then Bering, and sail down the coast of North America. Quotation forthcoming. Original Metro: Exodus was a brilliant game. The worst case is that they drop on a settlement or and old city with a few thousand people. I enjoyed this campaign more than the base Exodus story, which I love.I chose to destroy the sub. 0. User Score. Autumn in Vladivostok, great light, falling leaves, very nice. Everyone was relatively happy in the ruins.But was Klim, or Tom particularly evil? Nope, seeing Sam fall and watch his ride home burn and sink truly is tragic but he has a good moral compass. METRO EXODUS : SAM'S STORY - GOOD ENDING & BAD ENDING || NO COMMENTARY || RYZEN 5 3500 || RX 580 || Gameplay. Really great DLC. They could just as well drop it on an exact cult which would be really good and pretty much equal as the Spartans killing everyone there.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA home for fans of the Metro book series, the games Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Metro Exodus.Press J to jump to the feed. I love exploring the map and doing what I want but having consequences for my actions unlike most open world games where mowing down millions, making millions changes nothing.It's so refreshing to play a game and not be treated like a baby who has never played a FPS.For those disappointed you are stuck in this paradigm of the good guy always winning.I love the combat, especially being allowed to let lose at the end and just mow down klims men with your badass combat training.I always felt restrained in ME and that's fine, and it was balanced out. Possibly odd endings and difficult boss battles aside, Sam’s Story is an amazing game.
Just ignore the ending. If you opt to blow the sub you get Sam saying he won’t give up trying to get back to San Diego and if you drop the detonator into the sea, sure you get back to the US, but you don’t know if Sam ever finds his father, both endings leave you with more questions then answers. METRO EXODUS : SAM'S STORY - GOOD ENDING & BAD ENDING || NO COMMENTARY || RYZEN 5 3500 || RX 580 || youtu.be/uAdkab... Gameplay. Sam was a Spartan, his entire purpose as one for the last twenty years had been to protect the people. METRO EXODUS : SAM'S STORY - GOOD ENDING & BAD ENDING || NO COMMENTARY || RYZEN 5 3500 || RX 580 || Close. New area is fairly big and interesting to explore plus it offers around 10 hours of gameplay if you explore.Bland map, awful boss fights, and a boring linear story ruin the great gameplay of Metro Exodus which makes for an average DLC.The game is full of bugs and performance issues. Autumn in Vladivostok, great light, falling leaves, very nice. (spec - 2080ti,The game is full of bugs and performance issues. Really great DLC. Posted by 1 month ago. 9.
Generally favorable reviews - based on 55 Ratings. It wasn’t so much a “Why didn’t the good guy win? Music PC Metro Exodus: Sam’s Story All (Good and Bad) Endings Walkthrough; Metro Exodus – How to Fix “My Weapons” Glitch ; Metro Exodus: Sam’s Story – All Night Hunter’s Secret Stashes Locations; Metro Exodus. It’s a tight package of Metro Exodus content, but it’s still basically just Metro Exodus. it mean, it have power to home more than 50 people for many many years, with good life condition, heaters, WC, sanitary etc etc, why would you destroy it ! The prospect seemed impossible in the darkened tunnels of the Metro, but when the Spartans discovered that Moscow was not the only citySam, a US marine at the Moscow embassy before the bombs were dropped, has long dreamed of returning to his homeland, and maybe finding his family alive. Log in sign up.