OldSkools ProMod. just remember to unpack the files to the correct area.update not that most people will scroll this far down. I had just re-added this mudpack after emptying the res-mod folders, adding quickybaby pack and blue Kellerman sight.I have a problem with buying a new tank. QB doesn’t have those enabled by default in the settings. Reply. So no biggie. Copy this file into the empty xvm folder in your res_mods folder and voila, you now have quickybaby’s modpack!so, now that you have switched to a SWF file format, I can no longer simply edit the X and Y scale to accomodate a 4K monitor. that sucksYet Quickbaby is the one who is great at this game. Commanders! Happy tanking!BTW I also have the no sound issue on firing, anyone who comes up with a workaround please post it? Anybody know of any ideas?Even i am having the same issue with the X position for the hitlog. . It makes the game a lot better IMOI have the same problem, the game is stuck on synchronizing discounts after I renamed the folder to doesn’t work for me either but You can still select from the techtree untill it is resolved. cause i open the xvm.xc file and theres nothing there. QB pls help. omg….. do and do other things just don’t play WOT eva.what the hack are you saying, you couldn’t even use english right. That is why it contains nothing but the most useful tools. Good going Quickybaby.Tried repairing the game & reinstalling, But issue still remains the same.Thanks QB, for the mod pack, love it! Criticism is when you tell someone why you don’t like their work and how they can improve it. have a great day ! Plese help me.Cant be quickfingers´ mod pack, some older stuff is blocking your garage-access. There are three of them, making the garage management much easier, helping to save some money and giving the info about your own stats. )i used this mod and many other but believe me mods are useless… true players dont need help of any mod.There was an update today so you need to download the one that say you’re like me and want the locks on the Gold and Free XP, use Notepad++ to edit hanger.xc and change the values from false to true. It work great before (both of them).Hi. He’s still just plays a game.

Both are right at the top.Sorry hangar.xc it’s in \res_mods\configs\xvm\defaultA nice, clean interface! Thanks Q.B.thx for th mod pk baby not too much and no cheating extra i like it perfect for mei can’t find or create the res_mods folder in my world of tanks folder in roaming plz help.Check your documents folder. Sometimes I’ll get it on the first box, but the other 2 won’t come up after that. please fix if you can cause i realy like your pack ty sir . Anybody know of any ideas?In your @xvm.xc file : “battleLabels”: ${“battleLabels.xc”:”labels”}, If not, insert it next line after battleLoading for instance.In your battleLabels.xc file : ${ “battleLabelsTemplates.xc”:”def.hitlog” }, If not, insert it next line after “formats”: [In your battleLabelsTemplate.xc file, just after the array there’s a */I advise you to back up all the hereabove mentioned files in case something goes wrong .Don’t do it if you’re not confident, next wot or xvm update may blow it all.Excellent Mod pack, exactly what is needed an nothing else to slow down the game, Excellent.Multi Line Carousal would be nice for all those tanks, eh!I’ll take the Zoom too, if manageable. dont happin unless i have your pack installed. camera direction line,gun travers lines. Don’t expect WG would endorse infinite zoomI like a good mod as much as the next guy… and I haven’t even downloaded QBs yet. Suspect there will be an update that at least adds the old “it’s a trap” audio back in, too.PS – Enjoy your video’s and streaming, keep up the good work.what do I do cuz I don’t have a WoT folder idk why but I don’t!As someone stated here before, I’m also unable to purchase any new tanks while using this :/. Comments (7) paul johnson: 2019-04-28 .

If you guys don’t like it.. make your own.. no one cares to read your negative bullshit comments.. But the qb mod dont work…. I have been searching for a donation page. The tool adds the third person view for artillery players, making the shooting process more comfortable. Install Quickybaby`s modpack right now and start playing with extended abilities. thank you…happy hunting Hi love the mod. you would need to:P.S. I’m sure it will be sorted out eventually.Love the Modpack not too much. Follow these simple steps: